PAS – Problem, Agitate, Solve

Problem, agitate, solution. 

Or pain, agitate, solve, if you prefer. 

This simple yet effective copywriting formula can be used for emails, ads, landing pages, blog posts… Almost anything. 

Let’s take a closer look.

shaking and stirring cocktails
Start with the problem, then shake and stir...


State the problem. Show that you understand exactly what the reader is thinking. 

Understand them, and empathise with them. 

Adding a question or two can be a great way of drawing the reader in and involving them in ‘conversation’.

“Whaaaat? That’s the exact same problem I’m having! lets see what he’s got to say…”




Now shake. 

You’ve stated the problem. 

Give it a poke. 

Stir the pot, get in their head, rub a bit of salt into their wound. 

Tell a real world story or show what happens when the problem gets worse. 

In the first step, you identified the problem. 

Now you can show that you also know what it feels like to experience it

But… don’t take it too far! You want to show that you understand their fears and you also want to instil in the reader a sense of urgency to act, but you don’t want them despondent and devoid of all hope before they get to your solution!



Finally, show them the light. It’s your product they’re looking for.

 It’s your product that will solve that deepening and more emotional problem that you’ve been needling and poking for the last few sentences… After you’ve empathised with them, they’re now open to what you have to say. 

Show how the feature, advantages and benefits of your product solve their problems and allay the fears you’ve outlined above. 


PAS – An example



You’re staring at the dreaded white page again, aren’t you?

Your clients have poured their heart and soul into starting a business. 

And they’re relying on you to create some killer copy to make it a success.

But it’s just not happening.


Ideas usually come naturally to you, but not this time round. 

Customers have put their faith in you and the deadlines now only a few days away. 

Your stress levels are rising, anxiety is creeping, the clients are keen to look over the first draft…

How are you going to get back on track?


Easy. Visit We’ve been where you are and so have created a bunch of resources that any copywriter can use to overcome writers’ block. No more wracking your brain. No more jittery nerves. Formulas, templates, inspirational ideas and more. All in one place. All easy to find. Come and check us out. 

Suming up…


I may be starting to sound like a broken record, but, as always, the key is understanding your customers. 

Tell the reader you know what they’re going through. 

If you show you understand the problem well enough, they’ll be wanting your solution before you even tell them what it is. 

PAS – A straightforward and effective way to say;

‘I hear you, I understand you, I have a way out.’

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