
Ah, you're still here? Thought I'd lost you for a moment...

You see, to be brutally honest,  I wasn’t sure you’d stick around. 

Although I’ve filled some pages with words, I simply don’t know what makes for compelling reading.    

I mean, yes, like the US supreme court with pornography, we’re all capable of identifying good writing. 

We know it when we see it. 

But the ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ can elude us. 

And without them, whilst we may still be able to enjoy good writing, we can’t consistently create it ourselves. 


So, what is it exactly that makes a piece of writing good or bad?

Sure, creativity must play a part, but there’s bound to be a bunch of rules and structures that most good writing adheres to….?

And what about the tone? The choice of words? The pacing? The structure?

 And how do you tell if your problem is that you’re simply telling a boring old story?…


Ok. Enough questions. 

You want to learn how to write? 

Me too. 

Come along, let’s find some answers.



 P.S.   By the time you read this, hopefully I’ve managed to learn a thing or two…


" You don't start out writing the good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then you gradually get better at it. "

- Ocatvia E. butler

Typing on a laptop