The 5 objections

Ok, you’ve managed to get your customers attention, and they’re getting excited, but it’s only natural that they may have a few doubts and objections about what you’ve been telling them. 

Don’t ignore objections! Talk about the elephant in the room!

Anticipating your customers objections and addressing them will show you understand exactly what your customer is going through. And that you’re the perfect one to buy from. 

So, what are some of the most typical objections…?

Painted number 5

I don’t have the time…

You can overcome this objection by make it easy and quick as possible. Include shortcuts or checklists to show your customer that some of the work is already done.  

Not just the product itself, but make signing up and the buying process as easy and straightforward as possible. Don’t collect any information you don’t need, don’t include any unnecessary steps. 

To start, you must get an initial commitment, get your foot in the door. 

Then you’re no longer dealing with strangers, you’re dealing with customers!


I cant afford it…. 

Here you need to show that it’s an investment, not a cost. 

Show the value your product offers is much more. 

Explain how it will improve your customers life. 

There are other possibilities to overcome this objections, such as offering different tiers/prices and levels of service. 


It won’t work for me…

Your customer understands the product, but may have had a bad experience in the past. Show it’s simple and ordinary people can do it. Show evidence of success, customer testimonials, reviews etc.

Use bonuses and guarantees to reduce any further friction and eliminate the last vestiges of doubt.


I don’t believe you…

When customers are convinced of the need but weighing their options,  you’ll have to demonstrate your credibility.

 Be transparent, show your accomplishments. 

Tell your story about why you started your company and why its important to you to do what you do. 


I don’t need it…

This is obviously an important one. Does the customer understand your product. Have you explained how it will help the customer improve their life. Have you shown your unique advantage and benefits your product offers? 

Your customer needs to know what the product will do for them and why you’re the person to give it to them. 

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